This function takes a grattan colour palette and generates more colours from it, so that there are enough to make your chart.

make_grattan_pal(palette = "sequential", reverse = FALSE, ...)



(character; default = "graph") given name of a grattan palette: grattan_palettes


(boolean; default = FALSE) indicating if palette should be reverse


Additional arguments to pass to colorRampPalette see details here colorRamp


The interpolation method is set to "spline" (the default is "linear") in an attempt to reduce the number of vomit colours that get produced when generating many colours.

It returns a function that takes a single value and makes that many colours.

See also


ggplot2::ggplot(mtcars, ggplot2::aes(x = mpg, y = hp, colour = as.character(wt))) +
  ggplot2::geom_point() +
  ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = make_grattan_pal()(29))