7 Reading data


7.1 Set-up and packages

This section uses the package XX.

7.2 Different data file types

There are lots of different ways to store data on a computer. A common way, and a useful starting point, is a ‘comma separated value’, or CSV file.

CSVs are incredibly simple. They are a text file that contain characters separated by commas to indicate new columns, and new lines to indicate rows. A .csv file looks something like this:

name, age
Will, 95
James, 16
Anika, -50

Simple! A bunch of programs are able to read – or ‘parse’ – a .csv file. They’ve very versatile and – along with their cousin ‘tab separated value’, or .tsv files – are used widely.

But there are limitation to .csv files. They’re plain text, meaning they can’t store ‘metadata’ – additional information – about the rows or columns. For example, if we wanted to store the data above but include the information that the name column is a character and the age column is a numeric, we would need a different data file type.

An Excel file is the next most common type. An .xlsx file24 file contains more than just the data shown in the rows and columns. The same goes for Google Sheets files. They contain information about cell formats (‘this cell is a DATE’; ‘this cell is YELLOW’; ‘this cell is merged with the one next to it because you like chaos’) and formulas contained within them. This makes Excel/Sheets files very useful for use with Excel or Google Sheets, but not elsewhere.25

The same goes for data files created and exported from Stata (.dta files), SPSS (.sav), SAS (.sas7bdat et al).

And these are just rectangular data files. Other, non-rectangular data types exist for other purposes too. For example, there is a whole world of mapping software and data file types that are designed specifically for that purpose. Files hosted and used on the internet are often stored in ‘JSON’ files.

Different file types will often require a specialised function to be read into R in a usable way. This chapter covers the key packages and functions we use to read data types often seen in the wild.

7.3 Reading common data files

There are different ways to read the same data type into your R session. We focus here on the ‘best practice’ methods that align with Grattan’s style.

7.3.1 Reading CSVs.csv

The read_csv function from the dplyr package is the weakly-preferred method for reading CSV files. This function is well documented, provides clear messages and warnings, and is just a safe bet all-round.

sa3_income <- read_csv("data/sa3_income.csv")
## Rows: 47899 Columns: 16
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (8): sa3_name, sa4_name, gcc_name, state, occupation, occ_short, prof, g...
## dbl (8): sa3, sa3_sqkm, sa3_income_percentile, year, median_income, average_...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Warning: read_csv is quicker because uses the first 1,000 rows to determine the type of each column. But if some of your columns in a large dataset have empty rows – e.g. if the particular variable was only collected for a small subsample of observations – then this process can incorrectly allocate the column types, replacing data elements with NA.

An alternative is fread from the data.table package, which has the benefits of being faster and less prone to the error described above (because fread uses a sample of 10,000 rows from ‘100 contiguous rows are read from 100 equally spaced points throughout the file including the beginning, middle and the very end.’)

We can also compress .csv files into .zip files and read them directly using both read_csv() and fread():


This is useful for two reasons:

  1. The data takes up less room on your computer; and
  2. The original data, which shouldn’t ever be directly edited, is protected and cannot be directly edited.

7.3.2 Reading Excel files with readxl::read_excel()

7.3.3 Reading shapefiles with sf::read_sf()

7.3.4 grattandata::read_microdata()

7.3.5 rio

7.3.6 readabs

7.4 Reading common files:

  • TableBuilder CSVSTRINGs
  • HES household file
  • SIH
  • LSAY and derivatives

See data directory for a list of microdata available to Grattan.

7.5 Appropriately renaming variables

As shown in the style guide

Add rename_abs function to a common Grattan package?

7.6 Getting to tidy data

pivot_long() and pivot_wide() Make sure these are stable btw